Report on the 2020 Party Congress

by Überstadt

On 7 November 2020, the Citizens’ Party of Sandus held its tenth Party Congress, followed by a conference featuring Sandum and foreign speakers.

The Party reelected Adam Camillus von Friedeck as Secretary, discussed a wide range of political issues, and referred to committee questions about the Common Economy and the agenda of the Borean Community. An emphasis throughout the Congress was the connection between the Party’s domestic work and Sandus’s foreign relations.

The Congress occurred over voice and video call, with 66% of Party members attending.

Election of the Party Secretary
Action: Secretary von Friedeck reelected by acclamation

Party Secretary Adam Camillus von Friedeck stood unopposed for reelection. The Party confirmed him by acclamation, launching his seventh term as Secretary.

The Common Economy: Economic organizations
Action: Questions of economic organization referred to committee

The Congress considered steps for further developing the Common Economy between Sandus and Überstadt. The two states are to conclude agreements on economic organizations (e.g. cooperatives and state enterprises) and on a monetary system.

The Congress agreed that the parties must decide which economic entities are to be owned and managed by the state (as enterprises or state cooperatives) versus the workers (as workers’ cooperatives). Possible factors for assigning existing entities to each category include whom production serves and whether the product is tangible or intangible.

Other concerns included whether to immediately change how Sandum cooperatives function upon reaching the next Common Economy agreement or to have a transitional period; the level of formalized management desirable in a cooperative, including both processes and leadership; making certain cooperatives binational between Sandus and Überstadt; and designating certain cooperatives as culturally significant.

The Congress referred these matters to a committee to be appointed by the Secretary.

Invigorating the Sandum cooperatives and other matters of Sandum labor
No formal action taken; these and related issues to be addressed during Common Economy negotiations and through Party recruiting

The Congress considered ways to promote citizens’ activity in Sandum cooperatives. Ideas discussed included each cooperative publishing lists of work ideas for interested workers, creating inventories of resources available to workers, and creating a national labor newsletter to inform citizens of the cooperatives’ activities and opportunities.

This conversation led to deep discussion of what constitutes “Sandum labor,” or what makes a citizens’ labor Sandum. One possible factor agreed upon by many present was that performing labor with the intention that it will be Sandum makes it so; that is, what the Sandum people consciously do is Sandum labor. One participant suggested that the Party should promote citizens to undertake intentional Sandum labor.

Attendees agreed that the Common Economy negotiations will need to reach a common understanding of what constitutes labor within the economy.

Party administration: The Central Committee and recruiting
No formal action taken; Secretary to hold Comrades’ Klatsches on the Party and its platform

The Congress considered matters of Party administration, including the composition of the Central Committee and ways to grow Party membership.

Participants discussed whether membership of the Central Committee should be periodically changed, as well as whether the Honourable Sôgmô should become a non-voting member ex officio. Those present largely agreed that the Central Committee, as the Party’s bureaucracy, should include only the most active members who take on Party projects and do regular work for Sandus.

Another discussion considered ways to promote Party membership to Sandum workers. Multiple people noted that most citizens may not understand what the Party does or how it would benefit to join. The Party Secretary agreed that the Party and its platform would be suitable topics for upcoming Comrades’ Klatsches.

Party discipline and activity
No formal action taken; matters to be considered as part of work on new Party constitution

The Congress considered Party discipline and activity by members. Those present agreed that Party members should be obligated to maintain some level of intentional Sandum activity and should not hold ideologies detrimental to the Party and State, ensuring the protection of both civil rights and Sandus. Members also discussed creating a probationary status for inactive Party members to encourage them to continue contributing to Sandus and having members keep records of their work.

International relations
Action: Referred development of Borean Community agenda to committee

The Congress considered international relations in a level of detail not seen since before 2014, signaling its intention to take a more proactive role in Sandum foreign policy. The Secretary acknowledged his long-time de facto role in advising the Honourable Sôgmô on foreign affairs, but indicated that the Party would become more involved. Foreign Minister Artemis Baca, present as a Party member, said that the Party should have some say in foreign relations, especially with regard to political affairs.

Proposals to increase the Party’s activity in this policy area included advising the Foreign Ministry on political priorities and conducting bilateral relations with foreign leftist parties. Attendees saw a role for the Party in discussing leftist concerns in the new Borean Community of progressive micronations. The Congress decided to form a committee to help the President of the Borean Community (presently Health Minister Jacob Barnet Pharmacologus Σαρκαστικός) draft an agenda for Sandus’s year with the rotating presidency.

Party constitution and platform
Action: Secretary to form committee to propose new constitution

The Congress considered the need for a new constitution and platform for the Party. Both are several years old, neglect topics now considered important, and do not account for the Party’s evolving role.

It was agreed that the Party Secretary will organize committees to put a new constitution to a Party vote by the March equinox and prepare a new platform for approval at next year’s Congress.